Odawa Traditions: Wreath Crowns on Grave Markers
The Odawa of the Harbor Springs area honor their loved ones who have walked on by creating paper wreath crowns and placing them on grave markers. This tradition comes from the time before contact and many scholars have written about these crowns, starting in 1640s, describing the beautiful colorful wreaths placed on crosses in cemeteries during November.
This Anishnaabe tradition is an avenue in which the Odawa show their ancestors that they have not forgotten about them, that they are loved in this physical realm. Please join us to learn about the process involved in making these crowns and the importance of this tradition to the Anishnaabek with presenter Diane Naganashe and her family.
This talk takes place at the Harbor Springs History Museum at 5:30 pm and cookies and coffee will be served. Advanced registration is strongly encouraged.