Exhibit Reception and Presentation: The NM Sloop
Our talk on Friday, June 28 is SOLD OUT, so we added this second showing for Saturday. Register below!
A unique event featuring an exhibit reception and presentation celebrating the iconic Northern Michigan (NM) Sloop and its 90th anniversary. The NM is perhaps the best known of the racing sailboats on Little Traverse Bay and the subject of the society's 2024 special exhibit. The original fleet of eighteen boats was designed and built by Russell J. Pouliot in the early 1930s for yachtsmen in Charlevoix and Harbor Springs. Learn more about the history and building of these unique boats from both the exhibit and from boat builder and historian Dick Babcock, who was involved in the construction of a dozen new NMs in the 1960s, ‘70s, and ‘80s at Irish Boat Shop.
Tickets are $25 each and reservations are required. The reception begins at 1 pm and the talk at 2 pm.